
Fringe Legal Reports are quarterly deep dives into emerging technologies, trends, and themes for legal innovators. The Report helps cut through the noise and answer your key questions: why does this category exist? Who is it for? What are the opportunities? And, who are the key players? What would take you 6+ hours to find, we provide in 20 minutes.
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Fringe Legal #82: Unveiling the Impact of ChatGPT Plugins on Legal Tech
ai Legal Tech

Fringe Legal #82: Unveiling the Impact of ChatGPT Plugins on Legal Tech

The Impact of ChatGPT Plugins on Legal Tech: the micro report discussing the significance, risks, predictions, and opportunities of extending ChatGPT's capabilities with plugins for the legal industry.
4 min read
No-code for legal teams - Report
Legal Tech Transformation

No-code for legal teams - Report

What if you could build your own app without any coding skills? That’s the promise of #nocode tools. We went down the rabbit hole, so you don’t have to.
9 min read
Emerging: visual tools

Emerging: visual tools

Visual tools are becoming more popular, these included general collaboration tools as well as those with niche purpose. Fringe Legal spoke with founders of two leading legal tech companies to understand the buzz.
1 min read
What GCs want
Reports Innovation

What GCs want

Fringe Legal sat down with a Global general counsel to understand what GCs want from their firms.
1 min read
The importance of being client-centric
Reports client experience

The importance of being client-centric

There is no single source of innovation and transformative ideas. Regardless of where the ideas come from, they need to be driven from within the practice and serve the client.
1 min read
Fringe Legal #43: emerging: robot process automation 🤖
Newsletter Reports

Fringe Legal #43: emerging: robot process automation 🤖

Welcome to the +19 people that have joined the newsletter since last week. If this is your first time here,
2 min read
How to run your own summit – a complete guide

How to run your own summit – a complete guide

Running a summer is fun, but hard. This is post is part how-to, and part reflection to help those that
22 min read