FL 93: Practice, Profit, Power
Reflecting on what I want to do on Fringe Legal this year, I realized I will return to the reason
Law Firm Revenue Management - The $36 Billion Opportunity
Hidden inefficiencies create a $36B missed revenue opportunity in legal workflows. New technology can guide improved decisions, automate repetitive tasks, and demonstrate financial impacts to unlock this potential.
Training Lawyers to Learn By Doing: How AltaClaro is Closing the Practical Skills Gap
Abdi Shayesteh reinvented legal training with AltaClaro by closing skills gaps through experiential learning. Simulations and expert feedback build associates' judgment. Data provides insights to improve and personalize education. Hands-on training will grow as technology transforms law.
Workflow Reimagined: How Generative AI Transforms Legal Operations
Steph and Brandi from UpLevel Ops explain how legal teams can thoughtfully leverage generative AI to transform workflows, augment human skills, and futureproof roles. With proper governance and training, we can keep pace with the evolution of AI and maximize its potential.
Moving Past the AI Hype - Conversation with LexisNexis' Jeff Pfeifer
LexisNexis CPO Jeff Pfeifer explores moving past AI hype cycles to drive real legal adoption. Practical benefits key to dodging disillusionment trough.
Unlocking Innovation: Definely’s Blueprint for Disrupting Contract Workflows
Fringe Legal hosted the founders of Definely, a Microsoft-backed legal tech company, to share their founding story and how their growth is a function of their core mission.
Start Small, Think Big - A Roadmap for Law Firm Change that Actually Sticks
Tactical approaches to adoption and challenging the status quo with India Preston
Unlocking the Future of Legal Service Delivery - Insights from the LPPM Survey
Authors of the 3rd annual legal project management and pricing report delve into the key challenges and trends shaping the legal industry, touching upon innovation, technology, client expectations, and the future of legal service delivery.