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Value based pricing for law firms with Keith Maziarek
pricing Legal Tech

Value based pricing for law firms with Keith Maziarek

Pricing is one of the most important aspects of running a legal practice. In this episode, we discuss value-based pricing for law firms: the economics, strategies on how to position pricing, and how to tackle conversations with clients.
5 min read
🔮 Fringe Legal Summit '22 - save the date

🔮 Fringe Legal Summit '22 - save the date

The Fringe Legal Summit '22 will be held on Oct 10, 2022. It will be an extraordinary event— expect macro & micro-trends, strategic and tactical knowledge, and awesome speakers. We are designing the summit, so you actually retain and put into practice what you learn.
1 min read
Leading through a crisis with Alex Tsepko

Leading through a crisis with Alex Tsepko

Lawrina CEO, Alex Tsepko, speaks about his experience leading a newly formed team through a sudden crisis - the invasion of Ukraine - and finding growth through a shared vision.
1 min read
What do 150+ legal innovators want to accomplish in 2022?
Innovation Transformation

What do 150+ legal innovators want to accomplish in 2022?

What are 169 legal innovators focusing on in 2022? We analyzed the responses to highlight the macro trends, 2022 priorities, and opportunities.
6 min read
Fringe Legal #67: the case for slow innovation

Fringe Legal #67: the case for slow innovation

In the issue this week, we cover the case for slow innovation, creativity in law firms, ILTA's technology survey, digital assets, writing as a networking tool for introverts, and some bite-sized morsels.
6 min read
Creativity in law firms with Dale Miller
Podcast Innovation

Creativity in law firms with Dale Miller

Dale Miller discussed the role of creativity in law firms, and how an increased focus on collaboration, pricing, and marketing will be the key to the success of future law firms.
1 min read
Fringe Legal #66: hub and spoke model for innovators
Newsletter Innovation

Fringe Legal #66: hub and spoke model for innovators

Innovation teams can utilize the hub and spoke model to drive quicker decisions and execute faster.
5 min read
Fringe Legal #65: the future of work
Newsletter Transformation

Fringe Legal #65: the future of work

What is the future of work? Even at a broad level, this is a complex topic, and as you focus
4 min read
The Future of Work with Matt Coatney
Podcast Transformation

The Future of Work with Matt Coatney

Matt Coatney discusses the future of work with relation to law firms and legal teams. We cover how legal services might be delivered, the role of technology, and why change now.
2 min read
Fringe Legal #64: improve customer experience to increase revenue
Newsletter client experience

Fringe Legal #64: improve customer experience to increase revenue

The legal sector has an NPS of -54. By not focusing on clients more, firms are leaving money on the table. Improve customer experience to increase revenue.
1 min read